Anamika is a Delhi-based poet who writes in Hindi. An Associate Professor at the Department of English at Satyawati College, Delhi, she has several collections of poetry to her credit. Over the years she has won numerous accolades for her literary work, including the Bharat Bhushan Award for Poetry (1996), the Girija Mathur Samman (1998), the Sahityakar Samman (1998), the Parampara Samman (2001) and the Sahityasetu Samman (2004). In addition to poetry, she has authored volumes of fiction, memoir and criticism, and undertaken translations of the works of Octavio Paz, Rilke, Rabindranath Tagore and Girish Karnad.
Anamika studied at the Universities of Patna, Lucknow and Delhi. She holds a doctoral degree in Donne criticism through the ages, and did her post-doctoral research on the treatment of love and death in post-war American women poets. Her research interests also include a comparative study of women in contemporary British and Hindi poetry. Anamika’s poetics have been shaped by her highly catholic exposure to Indian, Anglo-American and European women’s literature and critical traditions. She has been teaching at the University of Delhi since the ‘80s, and was awarded the Bharat Bhushan for Poetry in 1996. She was awarded the Vani Foundation Distinguished Translator award in 2017 at Jaipur Bookmark, Jaipur Literary Festival.
जन्म : 17 अगस्त 1961, मुजफ्फरपुर, बिहार
भाषा : हिंदी, अँग्रेजी
विधाएँ : कविता, उपन्यास, कहानी, संस्मरण, आलोचना, विमर्श, अनुवाद
कविता संग्रह : खुरदरी हथेलियाँ, गलत पते की चिट्ठी, दूब-धान, बीजाक्षर, अनुष्टुप, समय के शहर में, कविता में औरत
कहानी संग्रह : प्रतिनायक
उपन्यास : अवांतर कथा, दस द्वारे का पिंजरा, तिनका तिनके पास
संस्मरण : एक ठो शहर : एक गो लड़की, एक थे शेक्सपीयर, एक थे चार्ल्स डिकेंस
आलोचना : पोस्ट-इलियट पोएट्री : अ वॉएज फ्रॉम कांप्लिक्ट टु आइसोलेशन, डन-क्रिटिसिज्म डाउन दि एजेज, ट्रीटमेंट ऑव लव ऐंड डेथ इन पोस्ट वार अमेरिकन पोएट्स
विमर्श : स्त्रीत्व का मानचित्र, मन माँजने की जरूरत, पानी जो पत्थर पीता है
अनुवाद : औरतों की मेज का कवि – रिल्के, कहती हैं औरतें (विश्व साहित्य की स्त्रीवादी कविताएँ), नागमंडल (गिरीश कर्नाड), अटलांत के आर-पार (समकालीन अँग्रेजी कविता)
राजभाषा परिषद पुरस्कार, भारत भूषण अग्रवाल पुरस्कार, गिरिजा कुमार माथुर सम्मान, साहित्यकार सम्मान, केदार सम्मान, परंपरा सम्मान, साहित्य सेतु सम्मान